Sunday, April 18, 2010

Photowalk 14 of 52 - A day at the beach

POTW - Photowalk 14 of 52 (Cape Henlopen)

So over easter break we went to Cape Henlopen to enjoy one of the unusually hot days.

Last time I was here I got some ideas for some photos and made sure that I remembered them this time around.  The big ones were the long exposures that I shot of the water against the rocks.  They turned out pretty good but not quite what I had in mind.  I must say that I took a lot of photos on this photowalk. I know that I got behind on posting again so I decided not to do much in editing this time.  I just don't have much time for that right now.  It is one of my "soft" goals (read more here) to edit more pictures and to get them up by Wednesday night.  I've got to say that it will be hard to do that with all this nice weather we are having.  I'm more concerned about getting out and enjoying life at the moment.  So, if I take a little while to get some posts up please don't give up.  I have faith that I will complete this project this year and this very well may become an annual project (thanks
I've recently had issues with losing some images before I could get them onto my computer.  The concerning part for me is that it has now happened with two of my cameras and with two different cards.  I think in one case it was actually due to pocket deletion (a sibling of butt dialing!)

This time around I want to go through a couple of my images and give some thoughts.

- Photowalk 14 of 52 (Cape Henlopen)
This was taken using my Olympus e-620 with the pinhole art filter.  I think the pinhole art filter is one of my favorites.  I really like the tones in this picture even if the picture really doesn't do much itself.

- Photowalk 14 of 52 (Cape Henlopen)
This turned out great!  I had in mind that I wanted to capture a silhouette of my pregnant wife during this walk and the early shots just didn't work out.  I needed to wait for the lighting to get better and I think this turned out great.  I do wish the chain link fence wasn't there but it's okay I guess.

- Photowalk 14 of 52 (Cape Henlopen)
I did have to straighten this one but that's it.  My kids said if you subtract the fence, boardwalk, fishing pole, and bait it would be a good shot... lol!

- Photowalk 14 of 52 (Cape Henlopen)
I wanted to find the shell that I took a picture of last time I was at Cape Henlopen.  I told the kids I would give them $5 if they found it, but they didn't.  My wife did find this one for me though!

- Photowalk 14 of 52 (Cape Henlopen)
I thought this was great for the reflection, I like reflections!

- Photowalk 14 of 52 (Cape Henlopen)
This was another shot I had in mind before I went on this walk.  I think it turned out pretty good... the water has a fog like appearance from the long exposure.  It was a bit too bright out even while using all three of my Nuetral Density filters. Dolica CF-NDK58 58mm 0.3, 0.6, 0.9ND Neutral Density Filter Kit I still think it turned out pretty good though, I will continue to play with long exposures.

- Photowalk 14 of 52 (Cape Henlopen)
This was cropped down a bit and I actually removed part of a person from this shot.  I think it turned out pretty good, if you look hard you could probably see where I removed the person though.

Feel free to leave some feedback, you can check out the rest of my 52 photowalks here.

Check out my flickr


  1. I really like the silhouette of Tanya! Next time though make sure she has a hand on her belly so there's more of an S shape. You also want her to kind of bend the leg facing the camera to get more of an S shape :) I'll look for the maternity posing blog I ran across. It shows examples, but those tiny touches can change a picture drastically.


    LOVE the last one :) Great comp!

  2. Thanks Jazmin, I'm still not really good at posing people. It's something I'm working on, but I think I still rush a bit when trying to get the shot and forget about some of the advice I've read. I found a blog ( I'm not sure if this is the one you were talking about, if not feel free to send yours to me. I could use all the help I can get! This one was a pretty good primer. There are parts missing but I felt like it helped and had great explanations. Now I just need to put it to practice. It's hard for me to take the time when I've got to kids that don't like to stop for long and my wife gets sick of posing for me. Yeah, the last one is one of my favorites and I think it's worthy of print. Thanks again!
