Monday, September 13, 2010

Photowalk 36 of 52 - Silver Lake - POTW

Photowalk 36 of 52 - Silver Lake - POTW

So for this photowalk I decided to go to Silver Lake. I was originally going to go to the beach and get some shots but it being Labor day weekend I decided I didn't want to deal with the masses of people and traffic.
There wasn't a shortage of people at Silver Lake but it wasn't bad. I threw on my headphones and set out. I stuck with my 40-150mm lens Olympus 40-150mm f/4.0-5.6 ED Zuiko Digital Lens for Olympus Digital SLR Camerasand stuck with manual mode for the walk. I'm currently reading through Understanding Exposure (Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs with a Film or Digital Camera (Updated Edition)), so with that in mind I'm going to try to shoot primarily in manual mode for the most part. There wasn't a lot of great shots in the walk, but some that caught my eye. I chose this POTW because I really like the textures and colors. Soon there won't be much green to shoot so it's nice to get it in while I can. One of the problems with shooting around water so much is that you can't always get the better angle that you would like. It limits your mobility to move around the subject and get the lighting just right. Unless of course you bring your waders! Which I generally get enough looks as I stare and move around a subject enough as it is. A lot has been happening recently which is why my post is so late. My new daughter was born and school is back in session. Not to mention the tons of other smaller things that have happened. I did recently upgrade my operating system to Ubuntu 10.04. Wow, what a nice setup. For the most part I love the upgrade but I will say that picasa has been giving me a little bit of trouble since the install. Hopefully I will get the issues worked out soon as I use that for my picture management. I also backed up all of my 2009 pictures to permanent DVD's. I've been meaning to get around to this but it sometimes takes a while. I spent 5 hours burning the discs and the lightscribe Verbatim DVD+R 4.7GB 16x LightScribe 30pk Spindle labels that I created for them. It took 11 DVDs full to the brim. I think I need to start pruning my pictures a little better. I'm sure there are a fair amount of pictures that are blurred, or the exposure is off that would have freed up some space. Maybe I'll start working on 2010 soon so that I'll be able to burn them off a little quicker. I think right now it would take close to 15 DVDs for 2010. That's a lot of pictures!

Till next time check out more shots at

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