Friday, July 30, 2010

POTW - Photowalk 30 of 52 - WWPD - Lewes, DE

This was the 3rd annual Worldwide Photowalk Day.

I signed up for the Lewes, DE walk not really knowing what to expect.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Photowalk 29 of 52 - Flowers of work - POTW

Photowalk 29 of 52

This is my favorite of this walk... I think this would look good hanging on a wall somewhere.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Photowalk 28 of 52 - Backyard

Photowalk 28 of 52 - Cool overtakes the warmth

Photowalk 28 of 52 - Backyard

I actually started this photowalk on a bike.  I road around Harrington with some friends.  The problem with that is sometimes it's hard to go at your own pace when you're riding with others and I didn't see anything of much interest to shoot. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A bit of reflecting

A bit of reflecting, originally uploaded by dm|ze.
So now that I'm (over) half way done with my 52 photowalks of 2010 project I figured I should do a bit of reflecting.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

POTW - Photowalk 27 of 52 - 4th of July at Cape Henlopen

Photowalk 27 of 52 - 4th of July at Cape Henlopen State Park

This was an event filled day, other than the fact it was Independence day.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Photowalk 26 of 52 - Disney Fireworks

Photowalk 26 of 52 - Disney Parks (Two days)

Half way to the end!

We spent two of our days in Florida at Disney. The first day we went to Magic Kingdom and the second day was more relax at Typhoon Lagoon.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Photowalk 25 of 52 Cape Henlopen - Reflections

Photowalk 25 of 52 Cape Henlopen - Reflections

Me and a buddy went to Cape Henlopen for a bike ride.

We got there a bit late for a bike ride but we road anyway and got some cool shots.

POTW - Photowalk 24 of 52 - White Lake, NC

This week we were in North Carolina visiting family.

Monday, July 05, 2010

POTW - Bombay Hook - Photowalk 23 of 52

_5294045, originally uploaded by dm|ze.
For this walk I decided to try out my biking skills while taking shots.

Photowalk 22 of 52 (Killen's Pond - Black and White)

So after frreezing my butt off at the Peace, Love and Horseshoe crab event I decided to go for a nice peaceful photowalk. It was great weather and there was enough sunlight for a nice walk. On my way over to Killen's Pond I decided I needed to make this different from the other Killen's pond walks. So on my way over I decided to shot in black and white.

Photowalk 21 of 52 (Trap Pond State Park)

Half way to the end. This week the family went south to Trap Pond. I had never been here before but was looking forward to going. I took the bike route around the pond while the family played on the playground. We went paddle boating for a bit. It was a great day to be out with the family.

Photowalk 20 of 52 - Lums Pond

Photowalk 20 of 52 - Lums Pond, originally uploaded by dm|ze.
I went to my wifes prenatal appointment with her today. It was nice not much to talk about there. After we grabbed a bite to eat and decided to stroll through lums pond since we were semi close. Thank god for GPS!

Photowalk 19 of 52 - Tidbury Park

Photowalk 19 of 52 - Tidbury Park, originally uploaded by dm|ze.
I know that I'm very behind on my blogging of my photowalks. But, I am going to try to catch up over the next couple of days. However, I have been keeping up on the actual photowalks. So here goes....